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RE: Farewell to Ontario Nature’s Sage

Anne Bell former Ontario Nature Director of Conservation

Re: Farewell to Ontario Nature’s Sage My heart-felt thanks and best wishes to Ontario Nature’s outgoing Conservation Director Anne Bell on her retirement (see p. 5, Summer 2024 issue). Those of us in the conservation community knew we could always rely on Anne’s passion, tenacity and creativity in the service of Ontario’s biodiversity. Protecting habitat […]

Summer 2024

Summer 2024, ON Nature, Cover, banner, https://catalog.ontarionature.org/summer-2024/page/1

Ontario Nature is the voice for wild species and wild spaces in Ontario. Its award-winning quarterly magazine, ON Nature, is an authoritative source of engaging environmental content that inspires and informs. Contributors include award-winning journalists, photographers, and leading conservation experts. The magazine brings readers closer to nature. Experience the great outdoors, even when you’re indoors. […]

ON Nature Magazine Winter 2005

ON Nature Magazine Winter 2005

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue Happy Anniversary: Congratulations to our members for making Ontario a better place for three-quarters of a century. By Victoria Foote 8 | Earth Watch Tall grass prairie in peril; herbicide kills more than just weeds; rejuvenating a forest. 15 | Profile Tree Hugger—Environmental commissioner and Ontario Nature life member Gord […]