24 | A Burning Issue
The record-breaking wildfire season is highlighting the gaps in human knowledge of the impact of fires on wildlife. But what is known is worrisome.
By Jade Prévost-Manuel
20 | Not Seeing the Forest for the Trees
Tree-planting programs that prioritize the number of seedlings in the ground over creating forest habitats may harm biodiversity more than they help.
By Patricia Hluchy

30 | The Performer
When threatened, the eastern hog-nosed snake can put on a show like few other creatures. But its theatrics can sometimes backfire.
By Celia Milne
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Photos © Ron Erwin, Noah Cole, Jeff Hitchcock CC BY SA 2.0, MNRF/Scott Wiseman, Tibor13/AdobeStock, Scott Fairbairn, Baxter Creek Watershed Alliance, Richard McGrath, Darlene Salter, Pete Ryan