5 | This Issue

Conservation in an era of climate change.

By Caroline Schultz

20 | The Little Fox That Could

A community science project shows that gray foxes are successfully adapting to the harsh climate of the province’s north.

By Julia Zarankin

24 | Acclimating to Change

Climate is warming and nature reserve managers are feeling the heat. What happens to conservation plans when the species and habitats targeted for protection are no longer there?

By Conor Mihell

30 | Conservation Without Teeth

American ginseng’s unwarranted downgrading from endangered to threatened signals a worrisome trend for at-risk species.

By Ian Coutts

35 | Our Member Groups 

Five Groups Join the Nature Network

By Lesley Rudy

36 | Our Community  

Ontario Nature Conservation Award Recipients Honoured

By Lisa Martell

37 | From Ontario Nature’s Blog

Fall is for the birds.

By Ontario Nature Staff

38 | Last Word

The Not-So-Green Side of Green Tech.

By Corina Brdar

ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, and providing insight on pressing conservation issues.

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Photos © Christian Autotte, Can Pac Swire CC BY-SA 2.0, AdobeStock, Portia Mohlmann, Geoff Kuchera/AdobeStock, Ron Erwin, Kerry Wixted, Prince Edward Point Bird Observatory, Noah Cole, Robert McCaw, Pete Ryan