5 | This Issue

Diversifying the conservation movement.

By Caroline Schultz

20 | Protecting All That Hops, Slithers and Crawls

A comprehensive guide to reptiles and amphibians in Ontario highlights profound threats to many of these creatures. Newly gathered data, however, can inform ways to help them survive.

By Celia Milne

24 | A Stark Beauty

Ontario’s alvars are biodiversity hot spots, but they are misunderstood, underappreciated and critically imperilled.

By Conor Mihell

30 | Healing Trees

The practice of forest therapy promises to help people put modern life on pause and reconnect with nature. Does it work?

By Ian Coutts

35 | Nature Network 

Coalition for Conservation Keeps Growing

By Lesley Rudy

36 | In House  

Walking the talk with Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing practices at Ontario Nature.

By Doug Crocker

37 | From the Blog

A fight for Wolf Lake in Temagami.

By Franco Mariotti

38 | Last Word

What’s In a (Bird) Name?

By Julia Zarankin

ON Nature Magazine Spring 2024 Cover

ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, and providing insight on pressing conservation issues.

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Photos © John Reaume, John Anderson, Scott Fairbairn, Scott Fairbairn, David Coulson, Noah Cole, Adobe Stock, EMERCA, Kevin Gill CC BY 2.0, Ryan Mariotti, Pete Ryan