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Natural Burial

On page 18 of your Spring 2023 issue of ON Nature, I am referred to as the founder of the Natural Burial Association. I am at best the Co-Founder along with the late pioneering green, Mary Anne Brinckman, who was a remarkable contributor to Canada’s natural heritage. Mary Anne pushed for less wasteful burial practices, […]

Rise and Fall of the Great Lakes

In the article “The Rise and Fall of the Great Lakes” in the Summer 2021 issue of ON Nature Conor Mihell states that a storm in January 2020 “washed away the century-old Lion’s Head Lighthouse.” The lighthouse that the storm destroyed was not a century old. It was a replica of the lighthouse that was […]

Black Ash

Re: A Tree Woven Through Culture Correction: On page 18/19 of the spring 2020 magazine we mistakenly placed a black walnut tree (below) in the article about black ash trees. We have corrected the digital version of the magazine (with the spread above) and regret the error.

Red-backed Salamanders

Re: Urban Planet Hello, I enjoyed reading your Summer 2019 issue, particularly the article “Where are all the bugs?”. The loss of insect populations and diversity is a terrible threat, like climate change, that more people should be aware of and taking action on. On page 33 of “Urban Planet”, bottom of the middle column, […]

Forks of the Credit

In the fall 2016 issue of ON Nature magazine (“Protecting Grassland in Forks of the Credit”),  we erroneously stated that Ontario Parks is planning to convert a portion of Forks of the Credit Provincial Park’s (FCPP) grassland into forest. In fact, Ontario Parks has not said that they will actively reforest any part of FCPP. […]

Little Brown Myotis Bats

In the sidebar of the feature “Don’t hate because I’m bountiful,” (Page 21, Summer 2016) we misrepresented the diet of little brown myotis bats. Many thanks to Harry Brightwell of Stratford for alerting us about the error. “The suggestion that the little brown myotis ‘is a voracious mosquito gobbler’ is propagating the myth that little […]

Wi-fi in Provincial Parks

Tree-like cell tower, Algonquin Provincial Park

Last Word “Keep our parks Wi-Fi free, ” (page 38, spring 2015). We incorrectly reported that the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry proposed Wi-Fi expansion in provincial parks. In fact, Ontario Parks does not at present have any plans to proceed with Wi-Fi expansion. Paragraph two of the article should read: “It seems Parks Canada […]

Spanish River

In the article “The lessons of the Spanish” (Summer 2007), the Spanish River Waterway Provincial Park is described as 400 kilometres wide. Wishful thinking on our part perhaps. The park is only 400 metres wide.