Fall 2024 Preview

Publishing on September 6, 2024

No Wetlands to Waste

Changes to how the Government of Ontario assesses and regulates wetlands have erased protection for important wetland areas across Ontario. A new community organization is fighting back.

By Conor Mihell

Rattray Marsh Conservation Area, Lake Ontario wetland
Red-shouldered hawk

Raptor Rapture

During hawk migrations, teams of seasoned counters track the birds’ passage through Ontario skies. Identifying individual species takes detective work and resisting the temptation to rush to judgement.

By Julia Zarankin

King of the Fens

The bogbean buckmoth, a critically imperiled species found at only two sites in Ontario, is rapidly losing its habitat. The main culprits? Invasive reeds and trees.

By Celia Milne

bogbean, wetland flowers
immigrant pavement ants, ants, population densification

Last Word

Hyperabundance: When does a healthy population of a species become too large, and who decides?

By Corina Brdar

Advertising – Fall 2024

Ad space deadline: June 21, 2024
Ad material deadline: June 28, 2024

Contact Jeffrey Yamaguchi, Advertising Sales Representative

416-508-2382 | promedia@rogers.com

Algonquin lookout with rainbow and autumn forest
Ruffed grouse, snow and pine bough


  • Spring issue published online on March 8, 2024
  • Summer issue published online on June 7, 2024
  • Fall issue published online on September 6, 2024
  • Winter issue published online on November 29, 2024

We are grateful for the support of:

Ontario Power Generation - Protecting Biodiversity


Photos © Gary J. Wood, Andy Reago and Chrissy McClarren, Victor Crich, Judy Gallagher, Malcolm Robertson, Peter Ferguson, Denis Fournier