7 | Earth Watch
- Protecting Biodiversity in Ontario’s Forests
- Preserving Ontario’s Wildlife Corridors
- Summer Species Watch: Spiny Softshell and Canada Darner
- Protect Your Share: Help Expand Lost Bay Nature Reserve!
- Wetlands Put in Jeopardy
- March Break Birding with Ontario Nature’s Youth Council
12 | Earth Watch
- Featured photographer: Taku Kumabe
- A Never-ending Battle at Grassy Narrows
- Nature Reserves Spotlight: Lyal Island, A Haven For Treatened Rattlesnakes
- Working to Meet Canada’s 30 by 30 Target, Making Protected Lands Count

20 | Lights Out?
The enchanting light shows of adult fireflies make ignoring the rest of their life cycle easy. But therein lie the threats to them.
By Brian Banks
24 | Lone Wolf
An extraordinary journey by a solitary gray wolf reveals the challenges these animals encounter in their search for open territory.
By Conor Mihell

30 | Shoring Up
As natural shorelines give way to lawns and retaining walls, Ontario lakes are losing their ecological buffers. Will cottagers and governments rally to bring nature back to the waterfront?
By Jade Prévost-Manuel
ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, and providing insight on pressing conservation issues.
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For more information or to purchase a back issue, please contact Kamran Minai, at 416-444-8419 ext. 232 or kamranm@ontarionature.org.
Photos © Christian Autotte, Don Johnston, Kristen Setala, Emma Horrigan, Adobe Stock/AI Artworks, Paul Janosi, Ron Erwin, Willy Waterson, Diana Shermet Williamson, Karolina Grabowska, Pete Ryan