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Species at Risk Guide

Species at Risk Guide

Learn about more than 50 species at risk that are found in northern Ontario. We are now in the midst of the largest mass extinction since the disappearance of the dinosaurs more than 65 million years ago. Habitat loss and degradation, climate change, invasive species, pollution and over-exploitation of natural resources are some of the factors driving the decline. This handy guide covers mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, plants and insects.

Summer 2020

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue A new normal.By Caroline Schultz 7 | Earth Watch Great Lakes Guide, Nature reserve restoration, Bear hunt resumes, New fish in Junction Creek And more… 38 | Last Word Nature’s slide toward sameness. By Rachel Plotkin 37 | Our Community   Revitalizing our relationship with Mother Earth. By Kirsten Dahl 36 […]

Reply RE: Sea Lampreys

Reply RE: Sea Lampreys

Re: “Rethinking sea lamprey control” (Earth Watch, Spring 2016) In the Spring 2016 issue, Dr. Foster reviewed tradeoffs between maintaining suppression (control) of sea lamprey in the Great Lakes and alleviating its impacts on non-target organisms, suggesting the time had come to consider allowing sea lamprey to “reach a point of natural equilibrium.”  Dr. Foster’s […]