5 | This Issue
A new normal.
By Caroline Schultz
7 | Earth Watch
Great Lakes Guide, Nature reserve restoration, Bear hunt resumes, New fish in Junction Creek
And more…

On the Cover
Could farming help stem climate change? Practitioners of regenerative agriculture are putting the science to the test — and reaping the rewards.
By Cecily Ross
18 | Trail Blazers
An Ontario couple is trekking across Canada to inspire others on outdoor adventures. This summer, Ontario is theirs to discover.
By Conor Mihell

24 | Fool’s Gold
The spread of invasive goldfish is threatening Ontario’s lake habitats and squeezing out native fish. Can these abandoned family pets be kept from running wild?
By Ray Ford

ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, and providing insight on pressing conservation issues.
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Photos © Andrew McLachlan, Doug Burlock, Daniel Baylis, Pablo Yanez CC BY-NC-ND 2.0, Pete Ryan, Christine Ambre, Shoresh, Doug Burlock