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Winter 2022

5 | This Issue The Web of Life. By Caroline Schultz 7 | Earth Watch A wetland win All about peatlands Kinghurst Forest in winter New carbon guide And more… 38 | Last Word How Carbon Offsets Can Better Help Nature By Sean Rudd 34 | Our Member Groups  Twenty-Five Years of Protecting Nature. By […]

ON Nature Magazine Summer 2014

ON Nature Magazine Summer 2014

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This IssueRemembering Lorne Almack.By Caroline Schultz 7 | LettersWoodpeckers revisited; cats and birds. 8 | Earth WatchClimate change wreaks havoc; Year of the Salamander; Midhurst residents oppose development; photographer Robert McCaw; birding abroad; pollinator campaign; help us grow the Lost Bay Nature Reserve. 36 | Our Member Groups  Niagara Falls Nature Club readies […]

Seasons Magazine Spring 1982

Seasons Magazine Spring 1982

DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch Acid Rain Report seeks controls; a report card on the Great Lakes; a Habitat Trust for Canada?; no news is bad news on parks; protecting the northern environment; escarpment defenders scores points; laying waste to lakeshore; Crown Game Preserves abandoned; new prospects for peat; South Cayuga wins a reprieve; new […]