5 | This Issue
Remembering Lorne Almack.
By Caroline Schultz
7 | Letters
Woodpeckers revisited; cats and birds.
8 | Earth Watch
Climate change wreaks havoc; Year of the Salamander; Midhurst residents oppose development; photographer Robert McCaw; birding abroad; pollinator campaign; help us grow the Lost Bay Nature Reserve.
36 | Our Member Groups
Niagara Falls Nature Club readies for a fight.
37 | Our Community
The foundations of conservation.
38 | Last Word
Pipeline battleground.
By Julee Boan
20 | The Monarch’s Knight
Meet Don Davis, a citizen scientist who has become a champion of the at-risk monarch butterfly, fighting to keep the legendary migrant’s population from collapsing.
By Allan Britnell
26 | A Tale of Two Wind Farms
The spread of wind turbines across the province is sowing conflict in rural Ontario. Two very different wind-energy projects show how we can find common ground.
By Andrew Reeves
32 | Greenways Needed
Climate change may one day turn Petrel Point and other coastal wetlands into forests. An ecological calamity? Not if preparations are made for the wetlands’ migration.
By Douglas Hunter
ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, and providing insight on pressing conservation issues.
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Photos © John Reaume, Don Johnston and Scott Fairbairn