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MZO Impact on Scugog River

Osprey nest on platform along Scugog River

RE: Kingston Rejects Development on Wetland I am an Ontario Nature donor and a recipient of ON Nature magazine. There is an article by Sarah Hasenack in the Winter 2022 issue that is exactly on point for my community in north-east Lindsay. We are faced with a small community development in 17 hectares just north […]

Restoring Nature’s Health

machinery and human impact VS nature

I just read Victor Doyle’s opinion piece on “Restoring Nature’s Health Post-COVID” (page 38, ON Nature, Fall 2020) and found it important and revealing. I am former land use planner myself. Although a short piece, it’s clear that he has revealed what many of us either knew, or suspected – that the current COVID-19 crisis presents a “public distraction” […]

Fall 2020

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue The case for protected places.By Caroline Schultz 7 | Earth Watch Youth Summit goes virtual, Bog at risk, Land-use policy news, Photo contest winners, Mer Bleue bog, natural burials And more… 38 | Last Word Restoring Nature’s Health Post-COVID By Victor Doyle 37 | Our Community   Awards Celebrate Nature Heroes […]