5 | This Issue

The case for protected places.
By Caroline Schultz

7 | Earth Watch

Youth Summit goes virtual, Bog at risk, Land-use policy news, Photo contest winners, Mer Bleue bog, natural burials

And more…

River otter under a pine tree
Riverdancers, ON Nature, Fall 2020


18 | Riverdancers

The playful behaviour of river otters has long enchanted animal lovers. But researchers continue to wonder about what drives these creatures’ curious antics.

By Brian Banks

On the cover


24 | Green Giants

Old growth forests are unique ecosystems that are not renewable. So why does the provincial government continue to allow them to be logged with impunity?

By Cecily Ross

Green Giants, ON Nature Fall 2020,
A Trail of Destruction, ON Nature Fall 2020, ATV damage

30 | A Trail of Destruction

All-terrain vehicles are wreaking havoc on wetlands and harming the species that depend on them. Why is the Ontario government letting it happen?

By Conor Mihell

38 | Last Word

Restoring Nature’s Health Post-COVID

By Victor Doyle

Last Word, Fall 2020, ON Nature Magazine

37 | Our Community  

Awards Celebrate Nature Heroes

By Anna Dipple

36 |Our Member Groups 

Harnessing an Opportunity

By Lisa Richardson

ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, and providing insight on pressing conservation issues.

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Photos © Scott Fairbairn, Scott Fairbairn, Andrew McLachlan, Adobe Stock, Pete Ryan, James Kamstra