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Pawpaw Inspired by ON Nature

Newly planted pawpaw tree, Cambridge

Dear Editor, I wanted to share with you this pawpaw tree that my folks just planted, inspired by the ON Nature magazine feature, The Forgotten Fruit. Now they just need to plant a second one to get some fruit! – Jenna Cardoso, Cambridge

Summer 2022

Summer 2022 Table of Contents website header , https://view.publitas.com/on-nature/on-nature-summer-2022/page/1

38 | Last Word There is no good type of disposable waste By Melina Damian 34 | Our Member Groups  A tree for every resident in Halton Hills. By Lisa Richardson 36 | Our Community   Hydro One is giving back to nature. By Kayla Salive ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers […]