DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page By Doug Thomas 6 | Earth Watch Bat “control” stopped—Ontario to ban last permitted use of DDT; Lake Huron ANSI defaced; Bruce Township to prohibit removal of wildflowers; wildlife conference sets new direction; pole-trapping at a federal migratory bird sanctuary; common loon new provincial bird? 12 | Around Ontario Rouge […]
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Tag: pole-trapping
Seasons Magazine Spring 1988
DEPARTMENTS 4 | President’s Page From the Federation of Ontario Naturalists. By Charles Pryer 6 | Earth Watch As Canada Geese continue to drown, the use of neck bands is scrutinized; “untaxing nature” legislation unveiled; Grey County creates threat to escarpment plan; Thornton Bales: a test case for the ANSI program; protecting the cucumber tree; […]