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ON Nature Magazine Summer 2007

ON Nature Magazine Summer 2007

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue Time to reconsider our baggage. By Victoria Foote 8 | Earth Watch Tiny water flea takes over Muskoka lakes; species-friendly roadwork; logging with a conscience; Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust added 25 hectares; climate watch. 16 | Profile For three decades, aerial photographer Lou Wise has been snapping his unique […]

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1980

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1980

DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch Acid rain: starting at the top; Tobermory Islands: a new national park; Great Lakes report: the land as a polluter; Bald Eagle bites back; road through Killarney? The consultant says no; Algonquin Park’s future: the uncertainty persists; environmental survey probes Ontario psyche; Niagara Escarpment: public hearings continue; environmental issues attract […]

Seasons Magazine Spring 1980

Seasons Magazine Spring 1980

DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch Zoo conference predicts bleak future; Killarney study nears end; cattails cleanse sewage, INCO wants to dam the Spanish River; spills bill sabotaged; wilderness American style; Kakabeka game found illegal; finding a home for liquid wastes; Dundas Elm saved; rights for the environment; hike Ontario; info on acid rain; a master […]