4 | Earth Watch
Zoo conference predicts bleak future; Killarney study nears end; cattails cleanse sewage, INCO wants to dam the Spanish River; spills bill sabotaged; wilderness American style; Kakabeka game found illegal; finding a home for liquid wastes; Dundas Elm saved; rights for the environment; hike Ontario; info on acid rain; a master plan for Kettle Lakes, planning for Presqu’ile; disappearing fishes; more development for Matchedash Bay?
9 | The FON Page
FON’s summer camp opens again; time once again for “The Annual.”
53 | In the Field: Volunteer Projects for Naturalists
Ontario heronry inventory and census; breeding bird census; herpetofauna atlas for Waterloo; flora and fauna of Oxford and Middlesex Counties, and Ajax-Pickering area.
54 | Groundswell
Fooling with Mother Nature.
By Ron Reid
14 | Nature’s Unhurried Highways
If the rat race gets you down, treat yourself to a canoe trip.
By Frank Longstaff
22 | The Boorish Birder and the Great Gray Owl
Bad-mannered birders cause much stress to displaced rare birds.
By Barry Kent MacKay
27 | The Nightcrawler
Repulsive to same, the lowly earthworm is still helpful to man.
By David Barr
34 | Searching for Green
Winter loosens its icy grip on the land, and spring breaks through.
By Arthur Holbrook & Susan Shaw
40 | The Spit
The Leslie St. Spit is a haven for birds, plants, and people.
By Don Sedgwick
ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, and providing insight on pressing conservation issues.
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Photos © John Shaw, David Barr and Wayne Lynch