Re: “Volunteer Salamander Surveys” (Summer 2017). Teaching at a Forest and nature school, we often search for salamanders. On our last day of classes before being forced to close by government mandate, we found a red-backed salamander! That same week my husband and I found a vernal pool filled with several egg sacs at McCrae […]
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Tag: surveys
ON Nature Magazine Summer 2017
DEPARTMENTS 5 | This IssueIf there is a will, there is a way.By Caroline Schultz 6 | Earth WatchSnapping turtle win; boreal outreach; the case against pesticides; surveying salamanders; photo contest finalists. 36 | Our Member GroupsOur strength in numbers.By Lisa Richardson 37 | Our CommunityA friend of nature: Sophie Mazowita.By Kirsten Dahl 38 | […]