4 | Earth Watch
The “Maple Leaf Forever” falling prey to Tent Caterpillars; the axe falls on INCO; Limestone Islands become lucky number 13; the drainage ditch blues; a tern for the worse; “nuisance” animals; Ontario’s budworm control: saintly or sinful?; new homes for Hydro hawks; environmental assessment for Port Maitland marshes; the Ogoki-Albany: another threatened wilderness; Backus Woods threatened; reports available on acid rain and wetlands.
9 | Notes
Campfile tales; conservation lottery again successful.
45 | In the Field: Volunteer Projects for Naturalists
Mid-winter waterfowl inventory; project progress and reports.
46 | Groundswell
Forests as tree factories.
By Ron Reid
14 | Game of Letters
The art of writing indignant letters to politicians is not lost. Anyone can let their pen do some effective protesting.
By Ron Reid
On the cover
18 | Wild About the City
Whether you see raccoons as pests of pets, you’d better adjust to their taking up city residence as they’re here to stay.
By Catharine Collins
22 | Last Chance for Oriskany
An ancient slab of exposed bedrock, millions of years old, and its surrounding landscape, are being turned into gravel.
By Dianne Fahselt
26 | The Lure of Fur
Thousands of wild animals lose their skins in the fur trapping market each year. How does it effect their populations?
By Daniel Johns
30 | Erratic
Do you “measure out you life with coffee spoons”? Would you change if you knew you had only months left to live?
By Wayland Drew
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Photos © Vic Crich, Jamie Ruggles, Wayne Lankinen and Bill Ivy