5 | This Issue
Humanity’s legacy.
By Caroline Schultz
6 | Earth Watch
- Windsor to permanently protect Ojibway Shores
- Cormorant hunt
- Monitoring invasive wild boars
- Francis Cook receives the Order of Canada
- Restoring Junction Creek
- Featured Photography Bill McDonald
- ALUS expansion
- Bird-friendly hay
- Logging Threatens Black Bay Peninsula species
36 |Our Member Groups
Outdoor learning in Norfolk.
By Lisa Richardson
37 | Our Community
Friend of nature passes on her passion.
By Portia Mohlmann
38 | Last Word
The undervalued life of plants.
By Joanna Pachner
On the cover
18 | The Sing-Song of Summer
In the decade since designating the whip-poor-will a threatened species, the Ontario government has done little to halt its decline. Yet, without the bird’s call, Ontario outdoors would not be the same.
By Brian Banks
24 | Where Are All the Bugs?
The dramatic declines in insect populations are leading scientists to warn of cataclysmic consequences. But even as evidence mounts, the causes remain poorly understood.
By Patricia Hluchy
30 | Urban Planet
The growth of cities is driving evolutionary changes in plants and animals at an unprecedented pace. What will this mean for the environment – and for us?
By Conor Mihell
ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, and providing insight on pressing conservation issues.
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Photos © Ron Erwin, Peter Ferguson and Scott Fairbairn