2 | President’s Page
By Charles Pryer
4 | Earth Watch
Holiday Beach: a provincial park disappears, unannounced and almost unnoticed; Lady Evelyn placed on global list of threatened areas; Backus Woods finally gets its management plan; parking lots and marinas for the Leslie Street Spit?; naturalists and farmers work together for Ontario wetlands; McMillian introduces amendments to National Parks Act; Ontario plans to untax nature; wild turkey hunts return to Ontario; golden eagles snagged by mink traps.
10 | Notes
Ontario wetlands strategy; nature tours; special general meeting; eight new clubs.
42 | In the Field: Volunteer Projects for Naturalists
Inventories; propagating native plants; heritage trees in Toronto; snapping turtles; loggerhead shrike survey.
16 | Welcoming the Bluebird
Tried and true methods for encouraging bluebirds to take up residence while diverting the competition.
By John Foster
On the cover
20 | Long Point Country: A Southern Spring
For 300 years man has extolled the mild climate and rich wildlife of this region—site of the FON’s ’87 conference.
By Michael Bradstreet
25 | Propagating Wildflowers
Native flora should not be dug up from the wild. Here are ethical methods to multiply wildflowers for your garden.
By James L. Hodgins
31 | Deer Hunt in the Peterborough Crown Game Preserve
Amendments to the ground rules governing this controversial hunt will make a big difference to the two sides in the dispute.
By Brian Back
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Photos © John Powell, Murray O’Neill and George Pond