5 | This Issue
Last Call: Climate change and the power of one.
By Victoria Foote
8 | Earth Watch
Wee shorebirds vs the feds; park named for Len Gertler; rare species may be a break; genetically modified trees; Dufferin Aggregates mines more of the escarpment; escarpment hotspot.
15 | Profile
The Kunstler Imperative: Environmentalist and author James Kunstler speaks of climate change and the end of cheap fuel.
By Lisa Keller
34 | Urban Nature
Help for city trees: The urban environs are tough on street trees. But some municipalities are starting to look out for their welfare.
By Lorraine Johnson
36 | Field Trip
Poisonous plants: Extreme protection for flora.
By Dan Schneider and Peter Pautler
44 | Inside Ontario Nature
Join us at the Green Living Show; fundraising for a trumpeter swan; excellent new bird book.
46 | Last Word
Excess Baggage: They clog our landfills, shorelines and cupboards. Time to ban the plastic bag.
By Edward Keenan
On the cover
18 | Temperature Rising
From the lush Carolinian zone in the south to the vast boreal of the north, global warming threatens to bring about the collapse of Ontario’s forest ecosystems.
By Douglas Hunter
26 | What are Our Options?
How to make sense of alternative energy sources and what the Province plans to do about it.
By Sharon Oosthoek
31 | The House that Bill Built
William Kemp has turned his home into a model of energy efficiency without forfeiting any of the creature comforts.
By Peter Christie
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Photos © Scott Fairbairn and Robert McCaw