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ON Nature Magazine Fall 2016

ON Nature Magazine Fall 2016

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This IssueNature’s bond.By Caroline Schultz 6 | Earth WatchProtecting Grasslands in Forks of the Credit; Safe haven for spiny softshell turtles; Want to protect the hog-nosed snake? Don’t hog the beach; Creating a buzz; Keep Common Species Common – American bullfrog; Citizen science success; From waste site to a nature reserve; Missed […]

ON Nature Magazine Fall 2008

ON Nature Magazine Fall 2008

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue Great Beginnings: Promises of protection for the Boreal. By Caroline Schultz 8 | Earth Watch Talk of the town: pelicans make a surprise appearance; hidden health hazards; a bigger, better Greenbelt; junior scientist: high school kid makes amazing discovery; spirit tree: lumber mill makes for stand-off over eastern white cedar. 34 | Bird […]

ON Nature Magazine Spring 2007

ON Nature Magazine Spring 2007

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue Last Call: Climate change and the power of one. By Victoria Foote 8 | Earth Watch Wee shorebirds vs the feds; park named for Len Gertler; rare species may be a break; genetically modified trees; Dufferin Aggregates mines more of the escarpment; escarpment hotspot. 15 | Profile The Kunstler Imperative: […]

ON Nature Magazine Spring 2005

ON Nature Magazine Spring 2005

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue One Big Contributor: Saying goodbye to Gregor Beck. By Victoria Foote 8 | Earth Watch Oak Ridges Moraine update; no EA for proposed quarry along Lake Superior; caribou population in decline. 15 | Profile Miracle Worker—Absent for the province since the 1700’s, the trumpeter swan is back thanks to Harry […]

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1996

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1996

DEPARTMENTS 8 | Earth Watch Ontario guts more environmental laws; faster action needed for species at risk; the sorry saga or Monarchs and Milkweed; municipality stands up for the Escarpment; Ontario’s new Planning Act in effect; wildlife is more than “game and fish”; update on blear-bear hunting; manage your woodlot for wildlife. 38 | Insider […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1993

Seasons Magazine Summer 1993

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page Expanding our view of protection. By John Cartwright 7 | Earth Watch Report on Niagara Escarpment plan seriously flawed; timber plan covets prime caribou habitat; wetlands policy already being challenged; how will huge timber cuts affect Quetico. 42 | Notes Final year of fieldwork for provisional Mammal Atlas; update on […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1991

Seasons Magazine Summer 1991

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page Thoughts on our park system. By Mary E. Smith 8 | Notes ONRS seeks records. 9 | Earth Watch Missinaibi a test case for waterway parks; Scotsdale’s old growth logged; more motorboat access sought in Quetico Park; conservation authority builds in wetland; new Trees Act for private lands. 15 | […]

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1989

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1989

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page FON’s Nature Reserves: Time for decisions. By Doug Thomas 7 | Earth Watch Important issues at stake in Algonquin review; a tern for the better; an “ecosystem approach” to fish; Pelee Island seeks hunting in nature reserves; Rondeau plan looks at deer cull, duck hunt; the Red Squirrel road; Pelee […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1989

Seasons Magazine Summer 1989

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page Is corporate Canada changing its attitude toward the environment? By Doug Thomas 4 | Earth Watch Long-waited wetlands policy pushes flexibility rather than protection; Kerrio delivers remaining parks; the future direction of Quetico; Niagara Escarpment up for grabs? 43 | Notes Welcoming Lincoln Alexander; wetlands publication hot off the press; […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1987

Seasons Magazine Summer 1987

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page By Charles Pryer 4 | Earth Watch MNR fails to spend over $700,000 earmarked for wetland protection; hydro transmission plan finally gets go-ahead; more Carolinian forest lost to logging; Red Hill Creek expressway gets green light; logging proposed in Thorton Bales; “Greening the City”; Magpie River will not be designated […]

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1984

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1984

DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch Conservation wins the day for the Niagara Escarpment; the ultimate ecological crisis; can conservation cure cancer?; illegal wildlife trade dealt a major blow; Ontario’s environmental laws to be scrutinized; good news and bad from wildlife conference; the American black duck: going, going…; latest picture on soil looks black; battle for […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1983

Seasons Magazine Summer 1983

DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch FON aids international efforts; Quetico Park to remain wilderness; planning underway for Nahanni; parks and forestry clash head-on; a better deal for Ontario Indians; FON submits proposed wetland policy; Alfred Bog threatened; progress on Oshawa Second Marsh; gloomy news on Niagara Escarpment; new mineral aggregate policy adopted; how much is […]

Seasons Magazine Spring 1982

Seasons Magazine Spring 1982

DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch Acid Rain Report seeks controls; a report card on the Great Lakes; a Habitat Trust for Canada?; no news is bad news on parks; protecting the northern environment; escarpment defenders scores points; laying waste to lakeshore; Crown Game Preserves abandoned; new prospects for peat; South Cayuga wins a reprieve; new […]

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1980

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1980

DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch Acid rain: starting at the top; Tobermory Islands: a new national park; Great Lakes report: the land as a polluter; Bald Eagle bites back; road through Killarney? The consultant says no; Algonquin Park’s future: the uncertainty persists; environmental survey probes Ontario psyche; Niagara Escarpment: public hearings continue; environmental issues attract […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1980

Seasons Magazine Summer 1980

DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch How to save the world; protect eagles, kill whales: U.S. study reveals surprising attitudes; swan song of the whales: the last gasp? no crown for Mother Nature in latest Throne Speech; the Niagara Escarpment: the crunch cometh; poisoned fish: some qualified good news; Copeland Forest: a government venture into commercial […]

Ontario Naturalist Magazine Mid Winter 1...

Ontario Naturalist Magazine Mid Winter 1979

DEPARTMENTS 36 | FON News Volunteers to the rescue at Petrel Point; Staff profile: Barbara Marquardt. 36 | Queen’s Park/From Ottawa Progress on liquid industrial waste; report urges incentives for pulp and paper clean-up. 40 | Around Ontario Escarpment battle continues; Long Point changes hands; Springwater Forest—threatened again; rare plants destroyed in Ipperwash. FEATURES On […]

Ontario Naturalist Magazine Autumn 1979

Ontario Naturalist Magazine Autumn 1979

DEPARTMENTS 32 | FON News FON slide collection: A plea. 33 | Queen’s Park/From Ottawa Acid rain: a national emergency?; pulp and paper cleanup urged; Pukaskwa plan delayed. 36 | Around Ontario Algonquin plan reviewed; budworm spraying increases; public responds to Lake Superior Plan; Niagara Escarpment update. 44 | Bird Report Birds last spring. By […]

Ontario Naturalist Magazine Summer 1978

Ontario Naturalist Magazine Summer 1978

DEPARTMENTS 25 | FON News Indemnity fund tops $5,000. 27 | Queen’s Park/From Ottawa Floodplain policy reduces area protected; Petty Trespass Act should change allow owners to ban hunting; government doesn’t act on refillable pop container law; Pukaskwa National Park plan; waterfowl hunting in Point Pelee National Park; identifying endangered fishes. 32 | Around Ontario […]

Ontario Naturalist Magazine March 1977

Ontario Naturalist Magazine March 1977

DEPARTMENTS 60 | FON News The passing of Bruce McBride. 60 | Queen’s Park/From Ottawa FON requests ability for citizens to sue over Environmental Protection Act noncompliance. 62 | Around the Province Highway planned through Holland Marsh wilderness area; Dundas/Ancaster students preserve Niagara Escarpment land; Lake Superior Park battle; Second Marsh battle. FEATURES 4 | […]

Ontario Naturalist Magazine October 1975

Ontario Naturalist Magazine October 1975

DEPARTMENTS 31 | FON News The Young Naturalist — a whole new look; Pelee seeks Chief Naturalist. 31 | Around the Province Elora Gorge: Your help needed; more development on the escarpment; non-refillable update; Second Marsh’s uncertain future. 33 | From Ottawa Massive highway contemplated in Banff; northern parks still not safe; Point Pelee duck […]

Ontario Naturalist Magazine June 1970

Ontario Naturalist Magazine June 1970

4 | The Bruce Trail… Ten Years After By Ray Lewis 7 | Tourism: Oversell and Undersupply By Wayne McLaren 8 | All Gassed Up — No Place To Go! By Frank Beales 10 | Snowmobiles — For Pleasure, Profit and Pollution By Philip S. Corbet 13 | Birds, Birdwatching and Record-Keeping By Clive Goodwin […]