5 | This Issue
The diversity of life: Celebrating nature through action.
By Caroline Schultz
8 | Earth Watch
Climate change threatens Arctic fox habitat; the Ring of Fire heats up; invasive Asian carp on the move; in search of turtles, frogs, snakes and salamanders; bird watching 2.0; Jim Robb; the lowly worm.
45 | In House
The many conservation successes of the Sydenham Field Naturalists.
46 | Last Word
Road Rage: We can save a lot of animals simply by not running over them.
By Joe Crowley
On the cover
18 | The Tiny Hunter
Inspired by the joy of biodiversity, a pioneering scientist discovered the rapids clubtail along the rivers of southern Ontario. Today, the species in the first of Edmund Murton Walker’s beloved dragonflies to be declared endangered.
By Peter Christie
24 | Why Fear the Bear?
Myth and misinformation have sullied the bruin’s reputation. In truth, the big mammal evolved as a prey species that learned to survive through caution and stealth.
By Conor Mihell
32 | Tree Huggers
Better air quality. Pollution control. Habitat for wildlife. These are just some of the reasons why a band of dedicated volunteers is determined to save your neighbourhood forest.
By Susan Grimbly
36 | City Lights
Disoriented by glare and reflective surfaces, millions of birds crash into office buildings every year. Now, conservationists and city planners are teaming up to create a safer urban environment for avian travellers.
By Brian Banks
ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, and providing insight on pressing conservation issues.
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Photos © J.D. Taylor, Robert McCaw and Glenn Corbiere