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Summer 2020

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue A new normal.By Caroline Schultz 7 | Earth Watch Great Lakes Guide, Nature reserve restoration, Bear hunt resumes, New fish in Junction Creek And more… 38 | Last Word Nature’s slide toward sameness. By Rachel Plotkin 37 | Our Community   Revitalizing our relationship with Mother Earth. By Kirsten Dahl 36 […]

ON Nature Magazine Summer 2016

ON Nature Magazine Summer 2016

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue Call of the wild. By Caroline Schultz 6 | Earth Watch Gains for a greener future; the health benefits of nature; counting salamanders; counting the Sydenham River Nature Reserve. 37 | Our Member Groups Membership has its rewards. 38 | Last Word Bolstering our environmental rights. By Anne Bell FEATURES […]

ON Nature Magazine Spring 2016

ON Nature Magazine Spring 2016

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue A river runs through it. By Caroline Schultz 6 | Earth Watch Caribou concerns; controlling sea lamprey; sustainable trail building; reflected lights and bird strikes; master naturalists; protecting the Greenbelt. 34 | Our Community A lasting legacy. 37 | Our Member Groups On the trail with field botanists. 38 | […]

ON Nature Magazine Spring 2010

ON Nature Magazine Spring 2010

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This IssueThe diversity of life: Celebrating nature through action.By Caroline Schultz 8 | Earth WatchClimate change threatens Arctic fox habitat; the Ring of Fire heats up; invasive Asian carp on the move; in search of turtles, frogs, snakes and salamanders; bird watching 2.0; Jim Robb; the lowly worm. 45 | In HouseThe […]