Re: “Butcher of the Alvar“. I like how it reveals the vulnerability of all species by highlighting the personality and decline of one of Canada’s most ferocious songbirds, the eastern loggerhead shrike. If a carnivorous avian warrior who sings while impaling its prey on thorns can become endangered, then we should be concerned about the […]
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Tag: agriculture
Bird and Hay
Re: “The cutting edge” (Feature, Spring 2016) With regard to the photo on the title page of the article “Cutting Edge” in the Spring 2016 edition of ON Nature: I am a farmer, and I can recognized good — and bad — haying practices when I see them. The aforementioned photo illustrates a number of […]
ON Nature Magazine Fall 2006
DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue Fine dining: Eat what you grow. By Victoria Foote 8 | Earth Watch Development pushes endangered caribou further north; garlic mustard pushes trees out; eco-tourism outfit pushes back. 15 | Profile The Quiet Passion: With much patience and fortitude, Kathy Nihei of the Wild Bird Care Centre has nursed countless […]
Seasons Magazine Summer 1994
DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page Conservation at many levels. By John Cartwright 7 | Earth Watch Five years and $20 million later, it’s business as usual; signs of rebirth for the Ontario park system; wetlands home to Black Terns—and treated effluent; revisions to Escarpment Plan go to cabinet; sustainable forestry gets a boost; is draft […]