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Nature of the North

This guide is intended as a starting point for learning more about the many wonderful natural features that northern Ontario has to offer. There are many knowledgeable local businesses and tourism operators who may be able to provide additional information and services. For any hiking, canoeing, or other adventures ensure you are well prepared!

Birchbark Canoe Building

Birchbark canoes, Neebing, Ontario

After reading your interesting article about birchbark canoe building, The Art of the Craft, I thought that others would like to see, in practice, how it was done. Apparently, César Newashish, in 1971, was one of the few people practicing the art. This documentary shows how a canoe is built the old way. César Newashish, […]

Winter 2021

38 | Last Word Ontario Wetlands Deserve Better. By Anne Bell 34 | Our Member Groups  A Triumph in Oxford County By Lisa Richardson 37 | Our Community   (Im)patiently Waiting for Pollinators By Peter Soroye ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, […]

ON Nature Magazine Spring 2004

ON Nature Magazine Spring 2004

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue Decision Time: We need to stop the ongoing degradation of our fresh water. By Victoria Foote 8 | Earth Watch Join the spring owl survey; protest the Red Hill Creek Expressway; stop the quarry in rare bird habitat; protect the escarpment from development. 15 | Profile The Riverkeeper: Lara Van […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1984

Seasons Magazine Summer 1984

DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch Wolves die so that hunters have more game available; Canada promises 50% reductions in acid gas; far north submits to yet another task force; new “Ice Bug” that lowers freezing point freed; international plants campaign launched; caribou success story is suburbs of Newfoundland; where are our new parks?; MNR blatantly […]