4 | Earth Watch
Wolves die so that hunters have more game available; Canada promises 50% reductions in acid gas; far north submits to yet another task force; new “Ice Bug” that lowers freezing point freed; international plants campaign launched; caribou success story is suburbs of Newfoundland; where are our new parks?; MNR blatantly ignores land-use guidelines; guidelines are a breakthrough for wetlands; forest management is a contradiction in terms; environmental assessment for forests—sort of; naturalist foundation preserves Thickson’s Woods.
12 | Notes
Raptor collisions with utility lines; news on recycling; new report documents land use pressures; FON produces toxic waste kit.
44 | In the Field: Volunteer Projects for Naturalists
How backyard birders can help.
46 | Groundswell
Survey shows Canadians put high value on wildlife.
By Arlin Hackman
18 | A Swan Song with a Difference
It sounds like a trumpet, it’s beginning to establish itself in Ontario, and it’s a good friendly neighbour.
By Harry Lumsden
24 | Rhino: Its Horn is Its Dilema
In only the past ten years, the black rhino has nose-dived toward extinction. The reason? Poaching for its horn.
By Ron Reid
30 | Nature Notes
Haven’t got time to wade through feature articles, you say? Then this new series of wildlife vignettes is for you.
By Ron Reid
34 | How to Build a 17-foot Canoe 16 Feet Long
With only brick-and-board experience, two intrepid souls set out to build a cedarstrip canoe from scratch.
By Suzanne Kingsmill
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Photos © Ministry of Natural Resources and Bill Ivy