DEPARTMENTS 8 | Earth Watch Calling a halt to the spring bear hunt; Bats only—no gate-crashers allowed; voice of support for the escarpment plan; sustainable-forest plan tested; a chance to protect roadless wilderness; Canada and Mexico protect monarchs; J. Murray Speirs Ecological Reserve is created; update on Presqu’ile plan. 42 | Insider Introducing Eco-net; Petrel […]
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Tag: monarch habitat
Seasons Magazine Winter 1984
DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch The insecticide/chemical backlash: losing ground to the mosquito; Mr Pope: where are our promised parks?; will the forester’s axe fall on South Moresby?; fish used to test pollution level; Quebec moves to limit acid rain; the dynamite politics of wetlands; monarch habitat saved; bird atlas nears home stretch. 10 | […]