DEPARTMENTS 5 | This IssueLegal action pays off.By Caroline Schultz 6 | Earth WatchFields and feathers; thirty years of tracking herps; slow turtles, fast cars; guide helps planners protect Greenway; restoration work at Kinghurst; David and Goliath. 37 | Our Community Krug legacy lives on. 35 | Our Member Groups Nature London is 150 years young. 38 […]
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Tag: ring of fire
ON Nature Magazine Spring 2012
DEPARTMENTS 5 | This IssueA Birder’s Delight: Nature lovers enjoy an early spring every year.By Caroline Schultz 6 | Earth WatchConservation groups fight back against mining in old-growth forest; more than 11,000 people sign petition to ban the hunt of snapping turtles; First Nations demand opportunity for meaningful participation in Ring of Fire environmental assessments; […]
ON Nature Magazine Autumn 2010
DEPARTMENTS 5 | This IssueWhy we must protect Malcolm Bluff Shores.By Caroline Schultz On the cover8 | Natural WondersMore than a glorious stretch of the Niagara Escarpment, protecting Malcom Bluff Shores is a gift for our descendants.By Allan Britnell 12 | Earth WatchWalpole Island Land Trust; going national with Rouge Park; the BP oil spill […]