5 | This Issue
Legal action pays off.
By Caroline Schultz
6 | Earth Watch
Fields and feathers; thirty years of tracking herps; slow turtles, fast cars; guide helps planners protect Greenway; restoration work at Kinghurst; David and Goliath.
37 | Our Community
Krug legacy lives on.
35 | Our Member Groups
Nature London is 150 years young.
38 | Last Word
Biodiversity offsets: A game-changer.
By Steve Hounsell
16 | Dangerous Flights
The effort to reduce bird collisions with buildings is an all-too-rare conservation success story. Read how a group of environmental organizations fought to make owners retrofit their buildings, and brought about a dramatic drop in avian carnage.
By Allan Britnell
22 | Have You Seen the Redhead?
The red-headed woodpecker seemed to adapt successfully to life among humans, but then its populations began to fall. An expert gives an insider’s look into the bird’s recent and dramatic decline.
By Barbara Frei
On the cover
26 | Listen to the Land
Most people see Ontario’s Far North as a pristine wilderness or a natural resource storehouse. For many First Nation’s people, however, this dichotomy is a false one. A canoe journey through this remote region reveals what ecological integrity means to people who have lived here for millennia—and their passionate fight to protect it.
By Conor Mihell
ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, and providing insight on pressing conservation issues.
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Photos © Conor Mihell, John Reaume and Sara Scharf