5 | This Issue
Why we must protect Malcolm Bluff Shores.
By Caroline Schultz
On the cover
8 | Natural Wonders
More than a glorious stretch of the Niagara Escarpment, protecting Malcom Bluff Shores is a gift for our descendants.
By Allan Britnell
12 | Earth Watch
Walpole Island Land Trust; going national with Rouge Park; the BP oil spill and Ontario’s birds; hazardous roads; Rosemary Speirs.
40 | Bird Watch
Kirtland’s Warbler: First identified less than two centuries ago, our rarest warbler makes a comeback.
By Tim Tiner
44 | In House
Donor spotlight: Our Champions of Nature go on a magical tour.
46 | Last Word
Wind Wars: How we can live with turbines without wrecking the wilderness.
By Anne Bell
18 | The Ring of Fire
Mining activity continues to escalate in a part of our province that the government claimed would be a candidate for conservation. Will the Ring of Fire become Ontario’s tar sands?
By Peter Gorrie
26 | The Race to Save the South March Highlands
Road construction and development threaten a unique and biologically diverse forest-wetland complex—unless a coalition of concerned citizens can slam on the brakes in time.
By Brian Banks
30 | Ontario Nature’s Writing and Art Contest for Youth
This year, we asked kids to submit artwork in addition to essays. The winners wowed us with their responses to our topic: “Wild species and wild spaces: why biodiversity is important to me.”
34 | Creatures of the Night
Wind turbines and disease are taking a toll on bat populations here and south of the border. Can a combination of innovative solutions keep these nocturnal mammals off the endangered species list?
By Tim Tiner
ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, and providing insight on pressing conservation issues.
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Photos © Peter Gorrie and Robert McCaw