An Uncertain Fate:
How will the climate crisis affect Ontario’s seldom-see belugas?
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Tag: Thickson’s Woods
Seasons Magazine Winter 2001
DEPARTMENTS 5 | View from Locke House What’s wrong with being passionate? By Nancy Clark 6 | Earth Watch Puddles need protection; birds decline in Pickering forest; what’s happening with the Oak Ridges Moraine; Mid-Niagara Peninsula highway threatens returning species; Pelee Island nature refuge; Newmarket wetland saved; watchdog cites weak government performance; planning better for […]
Seasons Magazine Spring 2001
DEPARTMENTS 5 | View from Locke House FON celebrates 70 years. By Nancy Clark 6 | Earth Watch Conservation reserves need better protection; Algonquin wolf under threat; Simcoe ANSIs: death by a thousand cuts; no mining at Mellon Lake; logging road through Bruce forest stalled; Carolinian Canada’s big picture; Presqu’ile Park Plan released – at […]
Seasons Magazine Summer 1984
DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch Wolves die so that hunters have more game available; Canada promises 50% reductions in acid gas; far north submits to yet another task force; new “Ice Bug” that lowers freezing point freed; international plants campaign launched; caribou success story is suburbs of Newfoundland; where are our new parks?; MNR blatantly […]