5 | View from Locke House
What’s wrong with being passionate?
By Nancy Clark
6 | Earth Watch
Puddles need protection; birds decline in Pickering forest; what’s happening with the Oak Ridges Moraine; Mid-Niagara Peninsula highway threatens returning species; Pelee Island nature refuge; Newmarket wetland saved; watchdog cites weak government performance; planning better for nature; Thickson’s Woods needs help.
17 | This Season
Waterfowl specialist Jim Leafloor tags Canada goose goslings in their shells.
By Nancy Clark
44 | Insider
Working for Wilderness in 2001; J. Murray Speirs.
46 | Endpoint
How nature works to clean water: Spending money on green corridors and preserving wetlands is more cost-effective than expensive water treatment plants.
By Jim Faught
20 | Why Algonquin Wolves are Dying
Renowned researchers John and Mary Theberge call for a permanent ban on wolf hunting and trapping in and around the park.
By John Theberge
On the cover
26 | Winter Raptors
A convoy to southwestern Ontario flushes the great birds from their January roosts.
By Chris Higgins
30 | Treading Softly
How to reduce your ecological footprint.
By Nicola Ross
42 | What We Know About Snow
Classifying the white stuff, from delicate flakes to deadly avalanches.
By Ian O’Neill
ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, and providing insight on pressing conservation issues.
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Photos © Peter Bisset, Robert McCaw, Mary Theberge and Jon Boxall