Thank you for the feature by Ian Coutts, in the Winter 2021 issue, about Edmund Zavitz’s extraordinary reforestation efforts. During the centennial of the Reforestation Act, our family is celebrating 51 years of forest stewardship in Lanark County thanks to the remarkable legacy of agreement forests. You can read about it in the December 2020, […]
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Tag: woodlots
Seasons Magazine Winter 1999
DEPARTMENTS 5 | View from Locke House Who knew we had reserves? By Nancy Clark 6 | Earth Watch A deadly harvest for monarch butterflies?; kids interact with nature at the ROM; group advocates better wolf protection; coalition fights for Richmond Hill Moraine; naturalists rescue rare praire. 17 | This Season Veteran activist Bruce Hyer […]
Seasons Magazine Autumn 1996
DEPARTMENTS 8 | Earth Watch Ontario guts more environmental laws; faster action needed for species at risk; the sorry saga or Monarchs and Milkweed; municipality stands up for the Escarpment; Ontario’s new Planning Act in effect; wildlife is more than “game and fish”; update on blear-bear hunting; manage your woodlot for wildlife. 38 | Insider […]
Seasons Magazine Spring 1990
DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page FON’s burst of growth in 1980s a harbinger of exciting 1990s. By Doug Thomas 6 | Earth Watch Ganaraska report: the answer to Project X; Grey County sizzles over Sydenham mills; SPOF2 seeking healthy aquatic ecosystems; cleaning up the rocky Saugeen; forestry hearing: Industry is next; talking about old-growth forests; […]