2 | President’s Page
Calculating for the future.
By John Cartwright

7 | Earth Watch
Lac La Croix and Quetico: A bad bargain all around; reports pile up, but no forest policy comes down; the Green Door rescues Pickering airport lands; moraine strategy is ready for public input.

40 | Notes
A conservationist view of Aboriginal land claims; land trusts handbook now available; guide to protecting wetlands and woodlands; Locke House and Goodwin House: Perfect habitat for the FON; enhance your backyard for wildlife; mammal atlas nears completion.

On the cover
44 | Birder’s Notebook
The nature of feathers.
By Ross James


16 | A Public Health Nightmare
It’s not a question of if but when. Ontario braces itself for the arrival of racoon rabies.
By Bill Gladstone

20 | Wabakimi
Naturalists have a rare second chance to enlarge this wilderness park. Where will we draw the line?
By Bill Addison

26 | A Diver’s Eye
How do birds that live above and below water manage to see clearly in both worlds?
By Suzanne Kingsmill

30 | The Consulting Game
Environmental consultants walk a tightrope between their clients’ demands and the public’s expectations of scientific integrity.
By Brad Cundiff

ON Nature Magazine Winter 1993 cover

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Photos © Richard Armstrong and Keith Morgan