2 | President’s Page
FON wins environmental award.
By John Cartwright
7 | Earth Watch
Algonquin’s wolves finally afforded protection; raising the ghost of Garrison Creek; what’s the fate of research at Museum of Nature?; Altona Forest’s future goes before OMB.
41 | Notes
New directions in natural heritage protection; Crossley Reserve gets viewing platform; volunteers renew library; welcome to Couchiching Conservancy.
45 | Birder’s Notebook
Song repertoires: Sound and fury signifying something.
By Susan Lempriere
On the cover
14 | Dragon of the Wetlands
Relentlessly aggressive and ferociously carnivorous, the dragonfly has earned its name.
By David Barr
20 | The Nose Knows
Equipped with an unusual sensor, the star-nosed mole is extraordinarily well attuned to the prospect of food.
By Suzanne Kingsmill
24 | Rondeau Beckons
It’s the promise of predictable rarities that first draws naturalists here, but it’s the unpredictable that keeps them coming back.
By P. Allen Woodliffe
30 | Paradise Regained
With great energy and vision, scientists are reviving a precious Great Lakes wetland.
By Bill Gladstone
ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, and providing insight on pressing conservation issues.
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Photos © Jim Flynn and Joe Flynn