Ontario Nature is the voice for wild species and wild spaces in Ontario. Its award-winning quarterly magazine, ON Nature, is an authoritative source of engaging environmental content that inspires and informs. Contributors include award-winning journalists, photographers, and leading conservation experts.
The magazine brings readers closer to nature. Experience the great outdoors, even when you’re indoors.
14 | Earth Watch

18 | Of Bats and Blades
The environmental benefits of wind energy come with a significant downside: turbines kill wildlife, especially migratory bats. Solutions exist, if wind-farm operators choose to embrace them.
By Brian Banks
22 | Nature’s Landscape Architect
Dam-building is how beavers engineer their own habitat, but their labours can cause trouble for their human neighbours. How can these species get along?
By Ian Coutts

28 | Flocking Together
Birds that stay in Ontario through the winter have adapted to cold temperatures in amazing ways. Here are five species to watch for in the coming months.
By Julia Zarankin
ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, and providing insight on pressing conservation issues.
The cost of an annual subscription is $50. If you are a senior citizen (65+) or a student, you can subscribe for a discounted rate of $40.
For just $9.95, you can purchase recent issues of our award-winning magazine. We have back issues available online dating to 1970!
For more information or to purchase a back issue, please contact Kamran Minai, at 416-444-8419 ext. 232 or kamranm@ontarionature.org.
Photos © AdobeStock, John Reaume, Noah Cole, Chuck Allen CC BY-SA 2.0, John Reaume, Robert McCaw, Ron Erwin, David Miller, Melissa Thomas, Ken Newcombe, Pete Ryan