Ontario Nature is the voice for wild species and wild spaces in Ontario. Its award-winning quarterly magazine, ON Nature, is an authoritative source of engaging environmental content that inspires and informs. Contributors include award-winning journalists, photographers, and leading conservation experts. The magazine brings readers closer to nature. Experience the great outdoors, even when you’re indoors. […]
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Tag: bats
Bat Guide
As the only flying mammals in the world, bats can make an impressive claim to fame. Eight species of these nocturnal creatures live in Ontario – five of which are hibernate in caves and mines and are being decimated by white-nose syndrome. Agile and predatory, bats are capable of extremely sophisticated bio-sonar. While not widely beloved, bats play a vital part of the ecosystem.
Summer 2024
Ontario Nature is the voice for wild species and wild spaces in Ontario. Its award-winning quarterly magazine, ON Nature, is an authoritative source of engaging environmental content that inspires and informs. Contributors include award-winning journalists, photographers, and leading conservation experts. The magazine brings readers closer to nature. Experience the great outdoors, even when you’re indoors. […]
Spring 2023
5 | This Issue A history lesson. By Caroline Schultz 38 | Last Word The Downside of #NoMowMay By Lorraine Johnson and Dr. Sheila Colla 34 | Our Member Groups A legacy of nature reserve stewardship. By Melissa Thomas 35 | Our Community School of Flock raises awareness about bats. By Hayley Raymond ON Nature […]
Seasons Magazine Winter 1995
DEPARTMENTS 8 | Earth Watch Calling a halt to the spring bear hunt; Bats only—no gate-crashers allowed; voice of support for the escarpment plan; sustainable-forest plan tested; a chance to protect roadless wilderness; Canada and Mexico protect monarchs; J. Murray Speirs Ecological Reserve is created; update on Presqu’ile plan. 42 | Insider Introducing Eco-net; Petrel […]
ON Nature Magazine Spring 2019
DEPARTMENTS 5 | This IssueThe people spoke.By Caroline Schultz 7 | Earth Watch Monitoring Ontario’s snakes with a Long-term Monitoring Protocol Preventing Lyme Disease and being aware of ticks A new bat nature guide A legal challenge to piping plover habitat destruction Prescribed burn at Stone Road Alvar Nature Reserve on Pelee Island Swift Rapids […]
Wind Power Cancellation
Re: Another win for the county The celebratory tone in this article is not appropriate. Granted, turbines shouldn’t be placed in Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas. But cancellation of wind projects is also cause for concern. Wind is crucial in addressing climate change and as environmentalists we need to be careful that, in critiquing a […]
ON Nature Magazine Autumn 2017
DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue Public defenders. By Caroline Schultz 6 | Earth Watch Ratsnake research; our special pollinator spaces; bike trail benefits; south shore success; honouring conservation heroes; collaborating with Indigenous communities. 36 | Member Groups A win for the Nottawasaga River. By Lisa Richardson 37 | Our Community Conservation heroes feted. By Kirsten […]
ON Nature Magazine Fall 2015
DEPARTMENTS 5 | This IssueTwenty-five cents.By Caroline Schultz 6 | Earth WatchHawk Cliff Woods campaign; greenest school; curing bats; cycling the Greenebelt; fire ants spread an invasive plant; rusty crayfish; microbeads; a decade of leadership. 35 | Our Community Conservation heroes recognized. 37 | Our Member Groups BioBlitz trail blazers. 38 | Last WordReviving the agricultural diversity […]
ON Nature Magazine Autumn 2010
DEPARTMENTS 5 | This IssueWhy we must protect Malcolm Bluff Shores.By Caroline Schultz On the cover8 | Natural WondersMore than a glorious stretch of the Niagara Escarpment, protecting Malcom Bluff Shores is a gift for our descendants.By Allan Britnell 12 | Earth WatchWalpole Island Land Trust; going national with Rouge Park; the BP oil spill […]
ON Nature Magazine Summer 2006
DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue Sick Days: Children are the most at risk from pollutants. By Victoria Foote 8 | Earth Watch The province’s record on the boreal forest; Ottawa quarry; urban sprawl plays leapfrog; First Nations ask for mining moratorium; Greater Golden Horseshoe plan. 15 | Profile Bred in the Bone: Drawing from his […]
Seasons Magazine Summer 1992
DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page Looking back over two years. By Mary Smith 8 | Earth Watch Ministry cancels gypsy moth spray program; Ontario to promote “desirable” development; proposals threaten Quetico’s future; good and bad news for Oak Ridges Moraine; the challenge of sustainability in Frenchman’s Bay; predators hunted at waterfowl refuge; paving the escarpment […]
Seasons Magazine Winter 1988
DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page Local nature trusts for Ontario? By Doug Thomas 7 | Earth Watch Eagles beware: Jack Miner Act given priority over Endangered Act; proposed wetlands policy statement unveiled; Ontario to notify those eligible for land-tax rebate; forest decline conference. 13 | Around Ontario Rouge Valley: landfill, no. Highway, maybe; Creditview Bog: […]
Seasons Magazine Autumn 1988
DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page By Doug Thomas 6 | Earth Watch Bat “control” stopped—Ontario to ban last permitted use of DDT; Lake Huron ANSI defaced; Bruce Township to prohibit removal of wildflowers; wildlife conference sets new direction; pole-trapping at a federal migratory bird sanctuary; common loon new provincial bird? 12 | Around Ontario Rouge […]
Seasons Magazine Autumn 1986
DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page By Charles Pryer 4 | Earth Watch Ontario cabinet must veto non-conforming uses in provincial parks; three dams proposed for Magpie River; update on Backus Woods; resolution calls for timber harvests on authority lands; more acid rain run-around; citizens’ hearings on Great Lakes water pollution; Ministry of the Environment announces […]
Seasons Magazine Winter 1983
DEPARTMENTS 5 | Earth Watch Refuge sought for Beluga whale; herbicides get green light in court; park boundary can’t keep out acid rain; swallows flock to Pembroke; escarpment fate awaits new minister; compromise on parks sinking in; naturalists lose Alfred Bog hearing; Environment Minister charges polluters; forestry undergoes assessment; information on terns wanted by Wildlife […]
Seasons Magazine Winter 1981
DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch Acid Rain: a look ahead; U.S. legislation will determine acid rain; transportation minister convicted over Highway 404; park planning gets the axe; a bad year for eastern Ontario birds; new federal policy on land-use; Wetlands Conference—a rousing success; a new endangered species for Ontario; friends of the bats; conservation project […]
Ontario Naturalist Magazine September 19...
4 | Approaches to Wilderness By Bruce Litteljohn 12 | Bats… Questions, Answers & Issues By M. Brock Fenton 20 | The Niagara Escarpment Study: Implementation of a Resources Study By Leonard O. Gertler 29 | What Good Is It? By Douglas Sadler 32 | Government and the Environment: A Need for Public Participation By […]