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Summer 2024

Summer 2024, ON Nature, Cover, banner, https://catalog.ontarionature.org/summer-2024/page/1

Ontario Nature is the voice for wild species and wild spaces in Ontario. Its award-winning quarterly magazine, ON Nature, is an authoritative source of engaging environmental content that inspires and informs. Contributors include award-winning journalists, photographers, and leading conservation experts. The magazine brings readers closer to nature. Experience the great outdoors, even when you’re indoors. […]

RE: Modernizing Bird Names

American robin

Re: What’s in a (Bird) Name I can hear the chirps, trills and warbles of delighted birds – now proud possessors of new names. The once forlorn McCown’s longspur now revels in its glorious moniker, namely, ‘the thick-billed longspur’. And why not? Who wouldn’t want their nomenclature changed by the august American Ornithological Society (AOS)? […]

Modernizing Bird Names

Wilson's snipe, name subject to change

Re: What’s in a (Bird) Name With the greatest of respect, I, (a longstanding “birder”) find the proposed bird name changes written about in Julia Zarankin’s Last Word article asinine! What a flavour is lost when changing Lewis’s Woodpecker or the Baltimore Oriole when one knows of the reasons behind the name? Or Wilson’s Warbler, […]

Species at Risk Guide

Species at Risk Guide

Learn about more than 50 species at risk that are found in northern Ontario. We are now in the midst of the largest mass extinction since the disappearance of the dinosaurs more than 65 million years ago. Habitat loss and degradation, climate change, invasive species, pollution and over-exploitation of natural resources are some of the factors driving the decline. This handy guide covers mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, plants and insects.

Winter 2021

38 | Last Word Ontario Wetlands Deserve Better. By Anne Bell 34 | Our Member Groups  A Triumph in Oxford County By Lisa Richardson 37 | Our Community   (Im)patiently Waiting for Pollinators By Peter Soroye ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, […]

Butcher of the Alvar

Loggerhead shrike

Re: “Butcher of the Alvar“. I like how it reveals the vulnerability of all species by highlighting the personality and decline of one of Canada’s most ferocious songbirds, the eastern loggerhead shrike. If a carnivorous avian warrior who sings while impaling its prey on thorns can become endangered, then we should be concerned about the […]

Death By The Numbers

Feral domestic cat in Toronto

Re: Death by the numbers, ON Nature Winter 2013 One of my social websites carried a petition against South Stormont Township, attacking a “Cat By-law”  and claiming to have already more than 12,000 signatures. They seem to especially want people to keep feeding feral cats. I am an old guy, a nature lover; supporter of several environmental […]

Wind Power Cancellation

Wind Power Cancellation

Re: Another win for the county The celebratory tone in this article is not appropriate. Granted, turbines shouldn’t be placed in Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas. But cancellation of wind projects is also cause for concern. Wind is crucial in addressing climate change and as environmentalists we need to be careful that, in critiquing a […]

Bank Swallow

Bank Swallow

Re: “Over a burrow” in ON Nature, fall 2014 I am encouraged by the enlightened attitude of Canada Building Materials towards the bank swallows nesting in their sand and gravel pits. The company’s “live and let live” policy serves as a model for other aggregate operations. Perhaps though, in concert with bank-swallow friendly aggregate policies, […]

ON Nature Magazine Spring 2008

ON Nature Magazine Spring 2008

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue For the Birds: It takes a forest. By Victoria Foote 8 | Earth Watch Harnessing a mighty river; one-of-a-kind paw prints; climate watch; bean count: a trip to the drive-through. 40 | Urban Nature Smart Cars: Car sharing is good for you and the environment. By Jim MacInnis 44 | […]

ON Nature Magazine Winter 2006

ON Nature Magazine Winter 2006

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This IssueMoving Day: Ontario Nature takes it downtown.By Victoria Foote 7 | In The MailFine dining. 8 | Earth WatchThe fantastic migration; deep cuts to Ontario Parks’ budget; First Nations block mining exploration. 15 | ProfileThe Numbers Guy: Environmental activist and city councillor Allan Algar has mastered a rare skill; saving habitats […]

Seasons Magazine Spring 2000

Seasons Magazine Spring 2000

DEPARTMENTS 5 | View from Locke House Why I Love Birds. By Nancy Clark 6 | Earth Watch The battle to protect the Oak Ridges Moraine; proposed highway threatens wetlands; remembering a friend of the bluebird; the return of the elk; RCGA drops plans to build in Bronte park; development opposed at Riley Lake; FON […]

Seasons Magazine Spring 1997

Seasons Magazine Spring 1997

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Season This special issue takes a look at a new conservation strategy for Ontario’s landbirds that will protect birds before they get into trouble. By Margaret Webb 6 | Earth Watch How green is your classroom?; nature untaxed; Harris government undermining environmental protection; Nature’s Best protected area strategy; Wabakimi park to […]

Seasons Magazine Winter 1996

Seasons Magazine Winter 1996

DEPARTMENTS 8 | Earth Watch Stalled guidelines hurt Ontario’s caribou; just published: FON’s guide to forest management; international spotlight aimed at Temagami; bald eagles number up, loggerhead shrikes down; our last chance for roadless wilderness; nonprofit corporation to hold forestry licence in Muskoka; new rules apply to forest management. 35 | Insider FON open house […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1996

Seasons Magazine Summer 1996

DEPARTMENTS 8 | Earth Watch MNR—then and now; Red Cloud Cemetery saves virgin prairie habitat; woodlot tax-rebate program restored; hydro proposal still threatens Kam River. 35 | Insider FON’s Dorcas Bay Nature Reserve sold to Parks Canada; building a boardwalk at Petrel Point Nature Reserve; we have a web site. 38 | Reflections The envoy. […]

Seasons Magazine Spring 1989

Seasons Magazine Spring 1989

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page FON’s great constitutional debate. By Doug Thomas 8 | Earth Watch Plans for high-impact tourism threaten Sibley and other parks; new gravel-pit act pronounced weak; major changes for conservation authorities?; Algonquin Park master plan under review; Bon Echo Park: whittling away wilderness. 14 | Around Ontario Pelee Island’s endangered snakes […]

Seasons Magazine Winter 1985

Seasons Magazine Winter 1985

DEPARTMENTS 4 | President’s Page By Robert B. Stewart 5 | Earth Watch Conservation groups exert pressure: dam proposal for Missinaibi dropped; environmental assessment slapped on road extension; sobering facts on acid rain; federal study released on proposed Bruce Park; good news comes out of parks conference; nonconforming uses in this wilderness park? 13 | […]

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1985

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1985

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page By Robert B. Stewart 4 | Earth Watch Government scuttles toxicology centre—then backs independent fund; a new wind at Queen’s park; update on Ontario’s bird reintroduction programs; 18 new provincial parks. 9 | Annual Report 30 | In the Field: Volunteer Projects for Naturalists Christmas bird count. FEATURES 13 | […]

Seasons Magazine Winter 1983

Seasons Magazine Winter 1983

DEPARTMENTS 5 | Earth Watch Refuge sought for Beluga whale; herbicides get green light in court; park boundary can’t keep out acid rain; swallows flock to Pembroke; escarpment fate awaits new minister; compromise on parks sinking in; naturalists lose Alfred Bog hearing; Environment Minister charges polluters; forestry undergoes assessment; information on terns wanted by Wildlife […]

Seasons Magazine Spring 1982

Seasons Magazine Spring 1982

DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch Acid Rain Report seeks controls; a report card on the Great Lakes; a Habitat Trust for Canada?; no news is bad news on parks; protecting the northern environment; escarpment defenders scores points; laying waste to lakeshore; Crown Game Preserves abandoned; new prospects for peat; South Cayuga wins a reprieve; new […]

Seasons Magazine Winter 1981

Seasons Magazine Winter 1981

DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch Acid Rain: a look ahead; U.S. legislation will determine acid rain; transportation minister convicted over Highway 404; park planning gets the axe; a bad year for eastern Ontario birds; new federal policy on land-use; Wetlands Conference—a rousing success; a new endangered species for Ontario; friends of the bats; conservation project […]