5 | This Issue
Great Beginnings: Promises of protection for the Boreal.
By Caroline Schultz
8 | Earth Watch
Talk of the town: pelicans make a surprise appearance; hidden health hazards; a bigger, better Greenbelt; junior scientist: high school kid makes amazing discovery; spirit tree: lumber mill makes for stand-off over eastern white cedar.
34 | Bird Watch
Short-Eared Owl: This mysterious little raptor contends with multiple threats to its survival, including the absence of a recovery plan.
By Tim Tiner
44 | In House
Conservation winners at AGM; land trust serves many functions.
46 | Last Word
Don’t be afraid of the T-word: a carbon tax could be the best approach to cutting emissions.
By Edward Keenan
18 | Mine Fields
Ontario’s Mining Act gives carte blanche to the industry to stake claims almost anywhere and operate pits and quarries without full environmental assessments. Will the Province keep its promise to overhaul an outdated piece of legislation?
By Conor Mihell
On the cover
24 | The Nature of My Pond
These small, self-sufficient ecosystems contain an abundance of wildlife. A naturalist patiently watches the life of a pond unfold before her.
By Cecily Ross
30 | For the Defence
To mark cone’s 30-year anniversary, Ontario Nature salutes this grassroots coalition, which safeguards the Niagara Escarpment from developers and industry.
By D’Arcy Jenish
36 | Third Annual Youth Writing Contest
How is climate change affecting you and your community? Three winning essays give us some answers.
ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, and providing insight on pressing conservation issues.
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Photos © Conor Mihell, Neil Maclachlan and Scott Fairbairn