5 |  This Issue
Natural Connections: Our new program takes children outside.
By Caroline Schultz

8 | Earth Watch
Bat populations plummet as white nose syndrome spreads; scientists discover weird and wonderful ecosystems at the bottom of Lake Huron; the Greenbelt may be bigger.

40 | Bird Watch
King Rail—Tucked into the marshlands of southwestern Ontario, this secretive wading bird is nearly impossible to detect.
By Tim Tiner

44 | In House
Successful fundraiser for our boreal songbirds; the Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists turn 20.

46 | Last Word
Dead Calm—Beneath shimmering surfaces, environmental injuries take a toll on the heath of the Great Lakes.
By Peter Christie


On the cover
16 | Wolfsong
Lonesome or aggressive, mournful or spirited, few sounds in nature thrill and mystify like the nocturnal dirge of this top predator. A guide to the meaning of walk howls.
By Ray Ford

22 | Muddy Waters
Aquaculture has been charged with multiple crimes against the environment. But today fish farms must abide by stringent regulations while many wild fish populations are being decimated. Can we learn to live with this industry?
By Douglas Hunter

28 | Wild for the City
Urban ecologists offer a new approach to city planning, arguing that balancing biodiversity with development is key to healthy urban centres.
By Edward Keenan

36 | Places to Grow
Rain gardens soak up stormwater, reduce runoff and are a magnet for wildlife. Bonus: they’re practically maintenance free.
By Conor Mihell

ON Nature Magazine Summer 2009 cover

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Photos © William Ciccocioppo and Paul Janosi