5 | This Issue
Nature’s Economy: Building on our natural capital is a sound investment.
By Caroline Schultz
8 | Earth Watch
Dangerously low calcium levels in boreal lakes trigger a break in the food chain; native wasps fend off non-native beetle infestations; the last road trip; where cars go to die.
36 | Bird Watch
Red-headed Woodpecker—A once common species in southern Ontario, sightings of this feisty bird have become increasingly rare.
By Time Tiner
38 | Field Trip
Salamanders—The emergence of these small, secretive amphibians is a sure sign of spring.
By Dan Schneider and Peter Pautler
44 | In House
Spotlight on our donors: Transat A.T. Inc. generously supports our nature reserves system.
46 | Last Word
Hot Zone—Facts and Stats on one of the world’s last wild places.
On the cover
18 | Birds of the Boreal
18 | Incredible Journeys
The razing of the world’s forests has turned the marathon migration of our boreal songbirds into a race for survival.
By Bridget Stutchbury
23 | Natural Inns
Ontario Nature’s reserves provide a much-needed rest stop for tired avian travellers.
By Mark Carabetts
25 | The Fall of the Wild
The sprawling boreal region supports more birds than anywhere else on earth. So why is so much of it turned into catalogues and junk mail?
By Jeffrey Wells
26 | Return of the Raptors
A guide to the great Ontario hawk migration.
By Mark Stabb
32 | A Fish in the City
Can efforts to protect an endangered minnow (the redside dace) change the way we build communities?
By David Lees
ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, and providing insight on pressing conservation issues.
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Photos © Andrew McLachlan and Scott Fairbairn