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ON Nature Magazine Spring 2020

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue The path forward.By Caroline Schultz 7 | Earth Watch Mushroom workshops, Fighting phragmites, A new breeding bird atlas, Protecting the Holland Marsh And more… 38 | Last Word Where is the political will to protect habitat? By Julee Boan and Rachel Plotkin 37 | Our Community   Citizens save a wetland. […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1995

Seasons Magazine Summer 1995

DEPARTMENTS 7 | Earth Watch Ontario expands Wabakimi Park to 900,000 hectares; Parks Ontario: putting the pieces back together; wolf/coyote report is seriously flawed; Ontario’s proposed new Endangered Species Act dies. 36 | Insider Unauthorized fire set at Pelee Reserve; caring for our nature reserves; rare-bird reports now available. 38 | Election Special With the […]

ON Nature Magazine Summer 2009

ON Nature Magazine Summer 2009

DEPARTMENTS 5 |  This Issue Natural Connections: Our new program takes children outside. By Caroline Schultz 8 | Earth Watch Bat populations plummet as white nose syndrome spreads; scientists discover weird and wonderful ecosystems at the bottom of Lake Huron; the Greenbelt may be bigger. 40 | Bird Watch King Rail—Tucked into the marshlands of […]

Seasons Magazine Spring 1999

Seasons Magazine Spring 1999

DEPARTMENTS 5 | In This Issue Volunteers. A vital investment in times of change. By Graham Bryan 6 | Earth Watch New wildlife act in place; spring bear hunt cancelled; wolves threatened in Pukaskwa; Creditview Wetland bought from developers; Rouge tributary protected under “historic” accord; grapes, not cottages. 19 | This Season Elementary school teacher […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1997

Seasons Magazine Summer 1997

DEPARTMENTS 6 | Earth WatchRed Hill Valley road goes through an Environmentally Significant Area; purple loosestrife news; Ontario’s new protected areas; breeding trumpeter swans; Niagara plan changes hands; Presqui’le plan looks for public input. 13 | This SeasonA black fly specialist takes the sting out of June.By Margaret Webb 41 | InsiderPreserving Lyal Island; 350 […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1984

Seasons Magazine Summer 1984

DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch Wolves die so that hunters have more game available; Canada promises 50% reductions in acid gas; far north submits to yet another task force; new “Ice Bug” that lowers freezing point freed; international plants campaign launched; caribou success story is suburbs of Newfoundland; where are our new parks?; MNR blatantly […]

Ontario Naturalist Magazine Mid Winter 1...

Ontario Naturalist Magazine Mid Winter 1979

DEPARTMENTS 36 | FON News Volunteers to the rescue at Petrel Point; Staff profile: Barbara Marquardt. 36 | Queen’s Park/From Ottawa Progress on liquid industrial waste; report urges incentives for pulp and paper clean-up. 40 | Around Ontario Escarpment battle continues; Long Point changes hands; Springwater Forest—threatened again; rare plants destroyed in Ipperwash. FEATURES On […]

Ontario Naturalist Magazine June 1972

Ontario Naturalist Magazine June 1972

4 | The Pinery: From Park to Instant City By Peter Tasker 10 | Wolf-Play By John B. Theberge 16 | Of Shrikes and Hawthornes By C.H.D. Clarke 18 | Spring Harvest: The Fiddlehead By James Cruise 24 | The Arctic By S.D. MacDonald 30 | The Rideau Trail By Fred Cooke 33 | Beach […]

Ontario Naturalist Magazine December 197...

Ontario Naturalist Magazine December 1971

4 | The Gannets of Bonaventure By Linda McKeane 10 | Let’s Iron Out a few Bugs By Anker Odum 14 | The Cult of the Red Pine By C.H.D. Clarke 16 | To Wolves By Peter Buerschaper 18 | Winter: A Photographic Essay by Robert Bateman 24 | Ashbridge’s Bay By J.M. Barnett 28 […]