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RE: Farewell to Ontario Nature’s Sage

Anne Bell former Ontario Nature Director of Conservation

Re: Farewell to Ontario Nature’s Sage My heart-felt thanks and best wishes to Ontario Nature’s outgoing Conservation Director Anne Bell on her retirement (see p. 5, Summer 2024 issue). Those of us in the conservation community knew we could always rely on Anne’s passion, tenacity and creativity in the service of Ontario’s biodiversity. Protecting habitat […]

Edible Wild Plant Guide

Edible Wild Plant Guide

This guide is intended for the boreal forest of northern Ontario where foraging presents an alternative to harvesting lumber and the forest’s ability to absorb the impact of harvesting is greater. Forests and freshwater food systems – comprised of plants, animals, birds, fish and fungi – are important sources of nutrition. They are also key indicators of healthy forest ecosystems and food webs.

Seasons Magazine Autumn 2000

Seasons Magazine Autumn 2000

DEPARTMENTS 5 | View from Locke House Calling all nature writers. By Nancy Clark 6 | Earth Watch Quarry threatens conservation reserve; don’t shoot; Oak Ridges Moraine: Queen’s Park does nothing; proposal subdivision too close to Awenda; logging underwear; have you seen off-road ATV damage? 18 | This Season Ben Cheechoo wants natives and non-natives […]

Seasons Magazine Spring 1997

Seasons Magazine Spring 1997

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Season This special issue takes a look at a new conservation strategy for Ontario’s landbirds that will protect birds before they get into trouble. By Margaret Webb 6 | Earth Watch How green is your classroom?; nature untaxed; Harris government undermining environmental protection; Nature’s Best protected area strategy; Wabakimi park to […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1994

Seasons Magazine Summer 1994

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page Conservation at many levels. By John Cartwright 7 | Earth Watch Five years and $20 million later, it’s business as usual; signs of rebirth for the Ontario park system; wetlands home to Black Terns—and treated effluent; revisions to Escarpment Plan go to cabinet; sustainable forestry gets a boost; is draft […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1985

Seasons Magazine Summer 1985

DEPARTMENTS 5 | President’s Page By Robert B. Stewart 6 | Earth Watch The urgent need to stop the unfair taxing of lands in their natural state; more shining new parks for the provincial system; latest news on Niagara Escarpment a mixed bag; FON’s report on special wetlands new complete. 10 | Notes Updates on […]

Seasons Magazine Spring 1981

Seasons Magazine Spring 1981

DEPARTMENTS 5 | Earth Watch Canadian dinosaurs gain world recognition; piranhas essential to Amazon forests; “pollution policeman” and fines to attack liquid waste polluters; Parrott in the hot seat over proposed dump in Cayuga; public adamantly opposed to hunting in parks; Algonquin Park: assembly line tree farm; the saving of Spooky Hollow; planning for Long […]

Ontario Naturalist Magazine March 1974

Ontario Naturalist Magazine March 1974

5 | From Backyard to Backwoods By Ellis Delorey 12 | All The King’s Horses and All The King’s Men… By William Draper 16 | Water: Visions and Revisions By Richard C. Bocking 22 | Wilderness In Ontario: Part I By W.D. Addison & J.D. Bates 28 | Our Disappearing Marshes By Linda McKeane 32 […]

Ontario Naturalist Magazine September 19...

Ontario Naturalist Magazine September 1971

4 | Approaches to Wilderness By Bruce Litteljohn 12 | Bats… Questions, Answers & Issues By M. Brock Fenton 20 | The Niagara Escarpment Study: Implementation of a Resources Study By Leonard O. Gertler 29 | What Good Is It? By Douglas Sadler 32 | Government and the Environment: A Need for Public Participation By […]