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Seasons Magazine Summer 1999

Seasons Magazine Summer 1999

DEPARTMENTS 5 | In This Issue The birth of new parks, but the slow demise of conservation areas? By Nancy Clark 6 | Earth Watch Forest Accord underpins Lands for Life deal; Ottawa risks species-at-risk; Arnprior residents bid for old-growth forest; survey suggests decline in forest birds; efforts to save softshell turtle slow but steady. […]

Seasons Magazine Spring 1989

Seasons Magazine Spring 1989

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page FON’s great constitutional debate. By Doug Thomas 8 | Earth Watch Plans for high-impact tourism threaten Sibley and other parks; new gravel-pit act pronounced weak; major changes for conservation authorities?; Algonquin Park master plan under review; Bon Echo Park: whittling away wilderness. 14 | Around Ontario Pelee Island’s endangered snakes […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1986

Seasons Magazine Summer 1986

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s PageBy Robert B. Stewart 4 | Earth WatchNielsen reports deliver positive thrusts and potential threats; highway through Keswick Marsh cancelled; privatization of Ontario parks is over; future of the Spanish River under review; Ontario Conservation Strategy in the making; cottages in provincial parks; wetland policy moving at a snail’s pace; acid […]

Ontario Naturalist Magazine December 197...

Ontario Naturalist Magazine December 1970

4 | A Visit to a Great Grey Owl Nest By Robert W. Nero 8 | Neo-Nationalism and Ecological Independence By John A. Livingston 14 | Conservation Authorities in the Next Decade By James D. McCowan 17 | Fauna Borealis By Paul Geraghty 25 | Federation Footnotes Special pollution committee; report on pesticides sounds alarms; […]