2 | President’s Page
By Robert B. Stewart
4 | Earth Watch
Nielsen reports deliver positive thrusts and potential threats; highway through Keswick Marsh cancelled; privatization of Ontario parks is over; future of the Spanish River under review; Ontario Conservation Strategy in the making; cottages in provincial parks; wetland policy moving at a snail’s pace; acid rain accord.
10 | Notes
Updates on environmental program, Atlas offers pre-publication discount for members; environmental groups honour Jim Bradley; new conservation stamp; latest Cosewic status of Ontario Species.
36 | In the Field: Volunteer Projects for Naturalists
Atlas of herpetofauna of Grey and Bruce counties; survey of reptiles and amphibians in Metro Toronto, survey of mammals, reptiles and amphibians in the District of Muskoka; sightings of Massasauga rattlesnakes in Ontario; Ontario herpetofaunal summary.
38 | Groundswell
Backus Woods: Saving the forest for the trees.
By Michael Bradstreet
17 | Underwater Worlds
Plunge through the surface of summer lakes and streams to discover critters and colours galore.
By David Barr
On the cover
24 | The Comeback of the Osprey
With a lot of help, Ontario’s “fish hawks” are slowly increasing their numbers again.
By Mary Mastin
30 | The View from the Bow
For this seasoned nature photographer, a canoe is the passport to wildlife and wild places.
By Janet Foster
40 | Ontario’s Conservation Authorities: Coming of age at 40
They’ve survived a recession and a lot of debate about where their role lies. Perhaps they’re just now hitting their stride.
By Ron Reid
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Photos © John Powell, Ario Gatti and Esther Schmidt