DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue Fostering community conservation. By Caroline Schultz 6 | Earth Watch Great Lakes grasshopper; engaging northern citizen scientists; another successful summit; a new wetland guide; Master Naturalists program expands. 36 | Our Member Groups Habitat corridors protect Hamilton’s pollinators. By Lisa Richardson 37 | Our Community A legacy of dedication to […]
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Tag: farmers
ON Nature Magazine Fall 2016
DEPARTMENTS 5 | This IssueNature’s bond.By Caroline Schultz 6 | Earth WatchProtecting Grasslands in Forks of the Credit; Safe haven for spiny softshell turtles; Want to protect the hog-nosed snake? Don’t hog the beach; Creating a buzz; Keep Common Species Common – American bullfrog; Citizen science success; From waste site to a nature reserve; Missed […]
ON Nature Magazine Spring 2016
DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue A river runs through it. By Caroline Schultz 6 | Earth Watch Caribou concerns; controlling sea lamprey; sustainable trail building; reflected lights and bird strikes; master naturalists; protecting the Greenbelt. 34 | Our Community A lasting legacy. 37 | Our Member Groups On the trail with field botanists. 38 | […]
ON Nature Magazine Winter 2012
DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue Fred Bodsworth: The legacy of a famous author, birder and past president. By Caroline Schultz 6 | Earth Watch Citizen scientists make record contributions to Ontario Nature’s atlas; the Christmas Bird Count is about to begin; Ontario Nature gets a new reserve; local food systems in northern Ontario; regional club […]
Fine dining
Re: “Fine dining” [Autumn 2006] You are to be congratulated on your outstanding Autumn 2006 issue, which focuses on the important relationship between food production and ecology. As a retired social science teacher and as an organic farmer with 37 years of experience, I know how critical it is for people of all ages to […]