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ON Nature Magazine Winter 2013

ON Nature Magazine Winter 2013

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This IssueTo sleep or not to sleep.By Caroline Schultz 6 | Earth WatchThe right to nature; surveying the wild harvest; growing threat to the Attawapiskat River; bringing savanna back to Ontario; the quintessential Canadian experience; lawsuit launched to protect Ontario’s Endangered Species Act. 35 | Our Member Groups  Nature Network nearing 150 groups. […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1992

Seasons Magazine Summer 1992

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page Looking back over two years. By Mary Smith 8 | Earth Watch Ministry cancels gypsy moth spray program; Ontario to promote “desirable” development; proposals threaten Quetico’s future; good and bad news for Oak Ridges Moraine; the challenge of sustainability in Frenchman’s Bay; predators hunted at waterfowl refuge; paving the escarpment […]

Ontario Naturalist Magazine September 19...

Ontario Naturalist Magazine September 1976

DEPARTMENTS 26 | FON NewsProvince stalling on Environmental Assessment Act; Massasauga rattlesnake study. 28 | Queen’s Park/From OttawaQuestions about Wabigoon River proposal; new wetland classification available; rare or endangered plant lists being developed; Grasslands National Park clears a hurdle. 30 | Around the ProvinceMonstrous sludge pond seen as “Trial Balloon”; FON assists sensitive area research; […]