5 | This Issue
To sleep or not to sleep.
By Caroline Schultz

6 | Earth Watch
The right to nature; surveying the wild harvest; growing threat to the Attawapiskat River; bringing savanna back to Ontario; the quintessential Canadian experience; lawsuit launched to protect Ontario’s Endangered Species Act.

35 | Our Member Groups  
Nature Network nearing 150 groups.

37 | Our Community
One percent for the planet.

38 | Last Word
Death by the numbers.
By Anne Bell


16 | Adventures in Winter Wilderness
Winter camping is a fun and exciting way to experience nature during the months when people in Ontario usually hide indoors. A veteran winter camper and outdoor adventurer explains what this activity is like, how to prepare and what to expect.
By Kevin Callan

On the cover
22 | On the Prowl for Owls
Winter is the best time to spot these nocturnal predators—and the only time to see some of the majestic northern species in southern Ontario. But the organized owl prowls popping up around the province are not for the impatient.
By Cecily Ross

28 | The Mysterious Massasauga
The Massasauga has long been Ontario’s most feared and misunderstood snake. An Ontario Nature outreach project tries to bust the myths and bring some love to this threatened reptile.
By Douglas Hunter 

ON Nature Magazine Winter 2013 cover

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Photos © Ron Erwin, Robert McCaw and Ron Erwin